real one
JoinedTopics Started by real one
Whats wrong with obeying God?
by real one inmany who post here are always talking about they don't need god and that they don't believe in god and that he dosen't exist.
god does not ask us to do unreasonable things.
most of the things he ask us to do protects our lives.. why don't people get that?
jehovahs witness changed the Bible! For Malikel
by real one inchrist is lord of allincorrect translations of the jehovah's witness bible.
the following is but a small list of the deletions, insertions and misinterpretations that are found in the jw version; new world translation.. .
col. 1:15-17 - the word "other" is inserted 4 times.
Athiest or Agnostic?
by real one inhow can one be considered an athiest?
athiest means you believe god does not exist.
agnostic means you don't know if god really exist.
Your relationship with Jesus Christ
by real one inwhat kind of a relationship are we suppose to have with jesus christ?
Athiest what do you believe?
by real one inim just wondering because it seems like you have no hope.
please set me straight.
False Religion
by real one inthis can be so overwhelming.
there are so many false religions around today that it is astounding.
if a person does not have a strong bond with god it is easy to fall prey to the devil's deceitful plans.
Worship The Lord
by real one inpraise him all the days of your life!
he is worthy.
holy,holy,holy is he.. god our savior showed us how good and kind he is.
Lets talk about Jesus!
by real one inluke 4:16-19 jesus, went back to nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as usual he went to the meeting place on the sabbath.
when he stood up to read from the scriptures, he was given the book of isaiah the prophet.
he opened it and read,.
Are you going to celebrate Easter?
by real one ineaster is coming soon and i am so excited!
i have not celebrated easter in over 17 years.
what a relief to be able to enjoy the worship of jesus and to be so grateful and thankful for his sacrafice.